
Home Away From Home

Each dorm is a home with its own family. 宿舍家长努力建立一种社区意识,让每个学生都感到安全, 照顾, and happy as they would in their own home. 住在宿舍里的教师既是爸爸妈妈,又是老师和倡导者,三者合二为一. They help students with their homework, watch a favorite TV show together after study hall, or chat about life over a snack.

学生是一个大家庭的一部分,一起工作和玩耍, 因为他们和宿舍的家长住在一起,也和其他教职员工住在一起,教职员工和他们的配偶和孩子住在一起.

观看下面的视频,看看寄宿制学生和走读学生是如何在索伯里学校有机而轻松地联系在一起的. Then, scroll down to learn more about residential life.


韦德娱乐app下载地址's location in Bucks County, PA使我们能够在享受宁静的同时参观东北的许多景点, 安全, and open space of a 140-acre rural campus. 我们距离费城和新泽西海滩有一个小时的路程,距离纽约市和波科诺山脉有一个半小时的路程. 我们紧邻的地区拥有美妙的户外活动选择,以及学生喜欢的购物中心和多厅影院,只需很短的面包车车程.

"When you’re here, you feel like you’re at home. I love that about Solebury.——19岁的萨沙


韦德娱乐app下载地址的100名寄宿学生在寄宿生活提供的结构中茁壮成长. Nightly study halls, 活动, 熄灯确保晚上睡个好觉,这些都有助于营造一个环境,让学生养成自律和习惯,从而取得长期的成功. 对学生来说,寄宿经历中最重要的部分是他们彼此之间形成的终身友谊. Their memories of the time they shared, their maturing and 成长ing up together, will be something they will cherish forever.

索伯里有几个宿舍,从较大的宿舍到较小的像房子一样的宿舍. Each features a full kitchen, WIFI internet access, laundry facilities, 还有足够的空间供寄宿生工作和享受他们的空闲时间. More than half of the 教师 live on campus. All of the teachers, but especially the dorm parents, 学生们是否会随时为他们的历史论文提供额外的帮助, toss a baseball outside, spend an afternoon baking cookies, or drive a van of kids to take a hike, or to go to the movies, local apple orchard, or even to New York City for the day.



韦德娱乐app下载地址学校成立时,学生和老师一起吃饭. 在赫伯特S学校,寄宿和走读学生、教师和他们的家人仍然共用餐桌. 博伊德餐厅. Staffed by four wonderful chefs, 餐厅每个工作日都提供全套早餐——鸡蛋定做, 煎饼, oatmeal—and a larger brunch on weekends. Lunches and dinners include homemade soups, 全套沙拉吧, and a variety of vegetarian and non-vegetarian options. 全天都有水果、小吃和冷热饮料供应. 如果学生们想在菜单上看到什么,他们可以直接问厨师. 查看示例菜单.



周末是寄宿生和走读生相互之间以及与教师建立联系的时间, to experience new things, and to make lasting memories. There's something offered for everyone, including trips to nearby New York City or Philadelphia, 上涨, 晚上篝火, or study groups for a class. 



Boarders Bonding (B2)

Every Wednesday night between dinner and study hall, all boarders have a mandatory program called Boarders Bonding (B²). 学生们通过游戏与他们的室友和整个寄宿社区建立联系, 讨论, 和事件. Proctors and social chairs help to guide the programming. 


Within the close-knit fabric of our community, students have the freedom to express themselves in many ways. As with any community, 在这种表达权利中有一种内在的责任,即意识到并尊重他人. Solebury does not have a dress code. 我们希望每个学生都对自己在学校的服装选择负责, during school functions, and in the dining hall for meals.


3名护理人员,每周7天,从早上7:30到晚上10:30值班. 我们扩建的医疗设施为护士提供了办公场所, an examination room, and six separate spaces for isolation and/or quarantine.